
Welcome to the Hawthorne website! Please feel free to contact us with your comments and suggestions.


Assessment Increase
Assessments will increase by $25 in 2023. This is due to the rising costs of vendors. You can find more information on this by hovering over 'Members', selecting 'Forms and Documents', and clicking on '2023 Assessment Increase Flyer'. 
New Management Company
As of January 1, 2019 the Hawthorne Board has entered into an agreement with a new management company, HOA Management Services, 1900 E. Douglas, Wichita, KS 67214, 316-351-7650. 

Hawthorne Monthly Meetings

Hawthorne Master HOA holds monthly board meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM. 
During the warm months, meetings are typically held in the pool parking lot.
During cold months or in case of inclement weather, meetings may be held via zoom or at Fire Station #38 (1010 N 143rd St E).
If you have any questions regarding attending a meeting, please contact Madelyn Turner at HOA Management Services via email at MTurner@homeownermgnt.com.

Home Project? Contact Your DRC

When planning additions or changes to your home, painting, deck, property features, trees, fence or landscaping please see the Design Review Process link by hovering over 'Members'
Please contact HOA Management Services with any questions: 316-351-7650